Cancer Survivor, Health Care Advocates Rally Against Congressman Fred Upton’s Sabotage of Health Care

June 5, 2018
Contact: Hugh Madden, 734-250-2070,
Cancer Survivor, Health Care Advocates Rally Against Congressman Fred Upton’s Sabotage of Health Care
Congressman Upton’s vote to repeal health care focus of event
KALAMAZOO – Cancer survivors and health care advocates marched from Bronson Park to Congressman Fred Upton’s office today to call him out on his votes to repeal health care for people to obtain affordable health care coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. The events were to mark National Cancer Survivors Day which took place on June 3rd.
Advocates showed up to support health care laws that help cancer survivors and others with pre-existing conditions. Currently, the Affordable Care Act brings relief and care for millions of Americans fighting personal battles against cancer. The uninsured rate among new cancer patients has fallen nearly by a third.
The 2017 health care repeal that Congressman Fred Upton took a leadership role in reviving and ultimately voted for would have made 36,600 Michiganders in his district lose affordable health care options, and 26,500 Michiganders in his district would have been kicked off Medicaid. His vote would have allowed insurers to discriminate against 292,600 of his constituents who have pre-existing conditions.
“Every time Congressman Fred Upton votes to sabotage the health care law, he is threatening cancer patients’ access to care,” said Christine Morse, a cancer survivor from Kalamazoo. “We must let the congressman know that his continued attacks against the well-being of working families to obtain affordable health care coverage is wrong, and we expect him to think of the interests of his constituents instead of wealthy corporations.”