Putting Working Families First

Last week, Senator Bernie Sanders joined local organizers and grassroots activists for a rally in Lansing, headlining a rally to hold Republicans accountable for passing the TrumpTax.
At the rally, part of a 100-day Repeal the TrumpTax tour sponsored by Not One Penny, Sanders decried the Republican tax plan as a scheme to benefit the wealthy and well-connected.
With a crowd of more than two thousand people, speakers highlighted the impact of the TrumpTax, including why 92 million middle-class families would see a tax increase and why 13 million fewer Americans would be uninsured.
“We need to repeal the Trump Tax,” said Nicole Gill, Executive Director of the Tax March and the event’s moderator. “We need to repeal the Trump tax and put working families first.”
The event was coordinated in partnership with several local and national groups.